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Linda Persson
6 aug. 20181 min läsning
Back on track
After a summer of all sorts of health issues I'm finally back on track. I've done a wedding shoot and have another coming up in a few...
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Linda Persson
21 maj 20181 min läsning
Child photography
Had a lovely day out with some girlfriends from school back in the day. I got to photograph two of their daughters interacting. Lovely to...
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Linda Persson
3 maj 20181 min läsning
What a compliment for me
Now this is possibly the most beautiful compliment I could get. Very unexpected as I think nothing much of myself. I am who I am and I...
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Linda Persson
14 apr. 20182 min läsning
Preparing my first photo classes
Tomorrow it's happening! My very first photo classes start tomorrow, one morning class and one evening class. I was hoping for partly...
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Linda Persson
14 sep. 20172 min läsning
Oh no! What have I done?
I had a photo featured on national television a couple of days ago. Quite the honor that they picked mine. Especially after I had sent it...
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Linda Persson
23 feb. 20172 min läsning
Moving on - learning new ropes
I had to make a decision. When things are too slow or too much the same, I have to do something about it. I love photographing cars and...
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Linda Persson
19 okt. 20161 min läsning
Slow paced...
It's been a while since I wrote. Lots been going on in my personal life and not all so good BUT I have bought myself an upgrade to the...
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