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Linda Persson
31 dec. 20172 min läsning
Counting down to 2018
I have a few plans for 2018 already. Plans I hope to make reality. The one coming up soon is a trip to Madeira. Can't wait to explore the...
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Linda Persson
19 okt. 20161 min läsning
Slow paced...
It's been a while since I wrote. Lots been going on in my personal life and not all so good BUT I have bought myself an upgrade to the...
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Linda Persson
19 feb. 20161 min läsning
Winner winner chicken dinner
I logged on to viewbug this morning to have received a few messages saying Congratulations! - To what? I was thinking... It turns out I...
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Linda Persson
6 feb. 20151 min läsning
Hit me 500 000
Well, it happened over night... The big 500 000. What, you wonder? The 500 000th viewer of my car photos on youpic. It's been just about...
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