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Linda Persson
21 sep. 20191 min läsning
Finalist in the Swedish Photo Championship 2019
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my name on the poster. On my first attempt one of two photos made the Finals in the Swedish...
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Linda Persson
12 sep. 20192 min läsning
Oh la LaGaylia Frazier event shoot
Lately I have had two bigger shoots and the last one was the kind that many photographers are living for. A big private event down in...
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Linda Persson
31 juli 20191 min läsning
Wedding shoot with a twist
I had the honor of photographing this young couple a few days ago. They were open to all my crazy ideas and the photos turned out great....
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Linda Persson
24 apr. 20191 min läsning
Bröllopssäsongen är här (In Swedish)
Några bokningar har redan kommit in för i år och första bröllopet är avklarat. Strålande solsken smekte rosiga kinder på brudparet och...
43 visningar
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Linda Persson
26 mars 20191 min läsning
Welcome Glasklart, Malmö
I would like to welcome Glasklart as my new client this spring. After a long period of illness I'm slowly getting back on my feet. I...
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Linda Persson
19 okt. 20181 min läsning
Creative photo session
I have had a few good photo shoots this year. Love when I get free hands to express my creativity in photography. I do listen to the...
75 visningar
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Linda Persson
6 aug. 20181 min läsning
Back on track
After a summer of all sorts of health issues I'm finally back on track. I've done a wedding shoot and have another coming up in a few...
135 visningar
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Linda Persson
18 juni 20181 min läsning
Swap to the top Gurushots Pt3
So this is how it ended. Three days of being number one. I used ca 50 swaps over a period of four days and I came in number 6 at the end....
1 121 visningar
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Linda Persson
13 juni 20182 min läsning
Swap to the top - Gurushot - pt2
Check this out: I have been joining challenges for months now to save up swaps just to prove my point about Gurushots. My plan is in the...
4 730 visningar
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Linda Persson
30 maj 20181 min läsning
Image of the month finalist (again)
It's been a while since I had anything specific happen at Viewbug but on the warmest day of the year so far (33 C in Borås, Sweden and...
173 visningar
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