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Linda Persson
1 mars 20171 min läsning
How to take a winning bird photo
So I received another message about a top 100 spot in the Image of the month-contest on Viewbug. My third in less than a year. Can only...
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Linda Persson
23 feb. 20172 min läsning
Moving on - learning new ropes
I had to make a decision. When things are too slow or too much the same, I have to do something about it. I love photographing cars and...
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Linda Persson
31 dec. 20161 min läsning
International Photo Contest winner
My jaw dropped to the floor when I realized I had won my first international photo contest Dec 20th 2016. It was in the theme of...
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Linda Persson
8 nov. 20161 min läsning
Oops I did it again
Hello! I was starting to lose faith in myself but got home from work to find a notice that my photo "On the road" has made it to the...
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Linda Persson
19 okt. 20161 min läsning
Slow paced...
It's been a while since I wrote. Lots been going on in my personal life and not all so good BUT I have bought myself an upgrade to the...
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Linda Persson
12 sep. 20161 min läsning
Third is a charm... NatGeo
Well, I didn't win this time either but it's the third time in only a few months that I have made the finals in NatGeo Sweden's Photo...
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Linda Persson
25 aug. 20161 min läsning
National Geographic Sverige Rank #2
It has taken a few days to digest the news... My butterfly photo is being published in National Geographic Sverige next month. I received...
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Linda Persson
1 aug. 20161 min läsning
When the ball gets rollin'
August, my favorite month! Last month wasn't too bad either. This weekend I learned that I was a finalist in the Image of the month...
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Linda Persson
25 juli 20161 min läsning
... And it's a darn butterfly. I can't believe it! I am still in shock. I'm stunned. I'm a little bit upset it wasn't one of my car...
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Linda Persson
22 juli 20161 min läsning
New Roll-In coming up
Just sitting here doing not too much. I remember I didn't post my latest photo challenge winning. Finally my car photos get some...
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