I have a few plans for 2018 already. Plans I hope to make reality.
The one coming up soon is a trip to Madeira. Can't wait to explore the Portuguese island, known for fabulous gardens, wine and levadas. Will bring my hiking boots for this trip.
I have ordered a GoPro Hero 5 black for the journey as I plan to go whale watching as well.
2017 hasn't been very camera oriented, not as much as I wanted at least.
I have bought a back up camera body this fall. A Nikon D7200 which I'm very pleased with. I primary have my 200-500mm lens on it to shoot small birds. It's very slick.
I used to shoot with a D7100 and this is a nice upgrade from it. Don't waste your money
on the D7500 as the updates on it doesn't differ much from the D7200 so you get more
for the money with the latter. Next up would be the D500 but it's too much money at the moment for a back up.
I have had a few finalist photos on Viewbug during 2017. Only a few days ago I was finalist again with the chance of winning a 360 Spinlight. I can keep my fingers crossed but I won't hold my breath. Came in third on Gurushots with "Hot wheels". Don't use that site anymore. Not worth the trouble.
(See my previous post on Gurushot.)
I sold a few photos this year. My last blog post was about Nat Geo, an honor of course. Hoping for more achievements and acknowledgements next year but I better step up.
Rounding off here as I don't want to ramble on about nothing. Happy New Year Ya'll!
See you on the flip side...!