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Greta Garbo and I

Skribentens bild: Linda PerssonLinda Persson

Uppdaterat: 7 jan. 2020

Göteborgs Posten December 2019

My fascination with Greta Garbo has been a long adventure.

Wanna know all about it? Read tomorrow's newspaper - Göteborgs Posten. There will be a mention about my photographic journey, as well as my Gold medal in Fine Art.

I have spent weeks planning my up coming exhibition as well as a trip to Africa in February.

After all the holidays, it's time for me to get physical, get to business and get some printing done.

Mean while, I also made two finals on Viewbug. To my surprise after receiving the most votes from the public, I didn't win people's choice. I had to contact the Viewbug administration and ask them about it.

Turns out they have a judge that pick his favorite from the most voted photos. How is that People's choice? I just want to make the public aware that their vote isn't worth anything on VB so don't waste your time, unless you really want to. Love Viewbug otherwise but that is total bullshit, if you ask for my brutal honesty!

Have a nice holiday, and see you next year!


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