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Still going strong - Stöd din lokala fotograf 2020

Skribentens bild: Linda PerssonLinda Persson

Tough times but I keep my spirit up. Knowing my photos are appreciated world wide, I hope for an upswing when all this is over. Meanwhile, I keep on with my photo competitions In most people's voting contest, I rank in the top 100 and usually top 50 or better.

As I never ask friends, family or followers to vote for my photos I'm humbled by the results. I have had some great top positions all by the power of my photos. And today I found out I'm a top voted photographer again. It's my second number one position this year and on the same page. We're talking thousands of photos and I'm ranked number one. *hooray* I'm not getting big headed by any means. I'm just pleased to see that I'm doing well and people like my work. It's just a sign of recognition and I want to keep it up and do even better. I look for more bookings, though. I look forward to the (so far) two weddings I have confirmed this summer/fall. My student prom was unfortunately but understandably cancelled last week. Hardly any inquiries anymore so I have to work around it. Updating the website, preparing photo exhibitions and photo shoots in my head and affirm to myself success...

To reassure: I am fully capable of photographing outdoor portraits and other pictures without any personal contact. In other words, safe distance from any physical or contagious range. So please feel encouraged to support my photography in these difficult times. Buy a picture from my website, book a shoot or ask to buy a gift certificat to use when all this has passed. Photographers are suffering from loss of business and are forced to close down. It's a competative business on a good day. Now it's extremely tough. But I'm doing alright as I also work as a nursing assistant at an elder care. So far so good. Been in lock down for two months already, no Covid-19 cases, just old folks missing their families but we do our best to keep them happy and healthy. Stay safe! Tadaaa

Look at my chances of winning a Polaroid Snap Touch
Viewbug number one most voted and 28th - I like it!

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